Essential Leadership

"a journey from head to heart" ©

The shortest and toughest journey you will ever take
Every true Leader has taken this journey!

Unleashing YOUR Leadership

"I engage you with your passion, even within your current role, or beyond"

Aldo does not see himself as a coach or a mentor; more as a Leadership unleashing agent. He believes that your best role-model is your heart and he helps you learn how to listen to your heart, unleashing the true potential of who you are.

In his observation and study of luminaries that seem to have achieved the unachievable, their mentor was that voice deep within that pushed them to be the best of who they are and not trying to be somebody they are not.

Via skype, phone or face-to-face, Aldo enables a number of senior executives and entrepreneurs to evolve from workers to creators ("don't worry about your job, focus on your career; even in your job). Their businesses and organisations as well as personal lives are dramatically and positively impacted.

your first 3 free sessions - limited offer

And that of your TEAM

"The group works better"

Our clients that then involve us in workshops with their team(s) find that the impact is exponential when we work in groups.

Our involvement and programs often increase 3-fold the performance of the team/organisation at the end of a 6 month period.

take my team to 3-fold performance

Companions in my journey of life

I am humbled by their words

Naomi Menahem - Group Manager, Telstra Awards

Being coached and mentored by Aldo Grech has been a truly rewarding, challenging and expanding experience. He brought authenticity and honesty to the process, dancing between being incredibly supportive and making me completely accountable for my actions. He took the time to understand my particular approach to life and was the able to contextualise my reactions accordingly. His personal journey provided a unique perspective to modern day leadership, and as such he was able to offer peripheral vision and a wider context to corporate nuances as they arose. I appreciated him pushing me out of my comfort zone, being responsive and when needed, nurturing. He is smart, direct and doesn’t suffer fools easily. I felt heard, held and tested; a combination of attributes I welcomed.

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CFO - Contact details available upon request

I've been always living and guided by fear. It lead me through my life. As a result I took wrong decisions and was feeling unhappy without being able to explain it to myself. That lead to bitterness, eating disorder and feeling of shame. During the process you coached me through, I learned to recognise the fear and deal with it. Not overcome it (I still have a long way to go in order to get there) but to understand that the current scenario is lead by fear and knowing that makes life easier. Your consistent attempts not to give me the answers (which I would have not understood at that time) but force me to ask questions and dig deep, have shown my the way (and I'm trying my best not to be over dramatic here although I feel that way) and guided me in the journey. I still have a long way to go and you kept reminding that time after time, but I would not get there without your coaching. I was depressed and hopeless person few years ago and I'm a much happier person with a sense of hope. Together (yes, you and I) saved my marriage, took my son away from drugs and as my wife said ״ got back The man I fell in love with". I feel blessed I met you and very grateful for your coaching and support. You gave me the best present to my 50th birthday. With love.

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Charles Fairlie - Publisher, Purpose Publishing

Ask Aldo Grech’s mentees what it is he leaves them with, and most will say inner peace, or calmness. Meeting the man, you can understand that sense immediately. Identifying a starting point in identifying Aldo’s success is a challenge, because it isn’t immediately obvious with one specific turning point. It could have been the time when, as a young boy living in Malta, he was given a broken radio by a family friend who knew he could fix it. “I was twelve years old and I was able to fix things and it took me just half an hour to make that radio work again.” Or, two years later when he paid seven pounds for a car a mechanic couldn’t repair. “I was fourteen and I spent two months working on it, got it running and was driving it, illegally.” Or, when he migrated to Australia in his late twenties, just as the personal computer industry was about to explode. “It was pure coincidence that I landed a job with a PC organisation as their main technical guy, and because I wanted to make more money I quickly transitioned into sales, then into marketing.” Or, when he moved to New Zealand to be the country manager for Acer. “I decided to do something different in a bid to grow that business and the people who worked in it. Instead of having business cards which said Sales Manager or whatever their title was, I gave them titles that respected what they did: for example the receptionist became the director of customer satisfaction.” Or, when he got cancer which led to a ten year spiral in which he lost everything. “That was twenty years ago – I had colon cancer. While I recovered from it, in the work environment I went straight back into everything I did before I had cancer. I got to a stage where everything I had built was gone, everything.”

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